Due to a worldwide development of GNSS-Positioning services, like SAPOS and ascos in Germany for example, these services increasingly play the role of an interdisciplinary application for accurate or highly accurate geo-referencing. Along with the positioning of their clients, providers guarantee for the accuracy of their coordinates. As a result, even the slightest changes of a reference station's coordinates must be detected so that the coordinates can be corrected. This should also be a standard for the networked use of GNSS-reference services. In 2006 the working group "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen (AdV)" therefore decided to monitor these nets, their coordinates and their deformations.
MONIKA puts these requirements into practice with the help of a two-step coordinate-related, multi-epochal deformation-analysis. Furthermore MONIKA can also handle epochs which consist of different reference points. The correction of tectonic plate models can be included into the calculations, too. Besides the possibillity to analyse the reference stations in post processing or automatically in near online mode when RINEX or SINEX data are available, the deformation-analyses can also be used to monitor object points in the GNSS network.
Screenshot from MONIKA V3.0