Based on the original GNSS-Observations, the RINEX-Data has to be processed in a first step via differencial GPS either to non-correlated baselines or to complete network sessions. These baselines or sessions have to be combined to epochs definitions before the next step. In the second step, the 3D-adjustment-software GPS3D calculates epochs from these epoch definitions by using a strict 3D-adjustment, including extensive statistical tests. Depending on the timespan of the deformation-analysis, the tectonic plate movement can't be ignored and has to be taken into account. Futhermore, in the case of free networks, these epochs have to be unified to a comparable datum via a datum- and S-transformation, before they can be summarized in a multi-epochal deformation-analysis (see F1). In this deformation-analysis the Gauss-Markov-Model is extended with displacement parameters (see F2) so that these reference points can be iteratively tested for deformations. If significant deformations are found, these points are changed to object points.
F1: Functional model of the deformation-analysis-adjustment based on the Karlsruher Approach for three epochs.
F2: Extension of the Gauss-Markov-Model with displacement parameters for the reference point i within epoch k.
In addition to this deformation-analysis, the epochs are also statistically tested and the confidence and sensitive areas for all reference reference points are calculated.