EUREF 2008 - Year Solution

(European wide GNSS network)

The largest analysed network by MONIKA so far is the analysis of the EUREF-Network. For observations, the weekly SINEX files from the BKG analysis centre were used. These files are free available from the IGS FTP server. Four of these weekly SINEX files were combined in the epoch generation (step 2) to get an approximate timespan of a month per epoch. Next a modulation of the tectonic plate rotation was calculated, with the NNR-NUVEL-1A model, because of the large timespan and the fixed network datum. The reference date of this modulation was the midtime of all epochs (12.07.2008). In the deformation analysis itself 17 epochs were analysed.
The analysis starts from 18.11.2007 and ends at 07.03.2009.


Time Series of the GNSS station in Karlsruhe

EUREF 2008 (56.2 MB)
(for this solution you will need at last the MONIKA-Demo version 2.41)